Bree Hope sm

BREE HOPE, M.A Ed, Certified Life Coach, Social Emotional Learning Expert

Parent Coaching Services

Transformation begins with you!

Become a more confident and aligned parent today

Are you tired of feeling or living the statement, “I’m doing the best with what I’ve got” only to realize you are continually falling short, don’t have enough time, are not a mind reader, and the list goes on?

Want to know why you feel this way?

Want to get to the root?

Need assistance finding a way forward?

It all starts with your beliefs!

You are an amalgamation of programming that has been passed down from your parents, society, friends, environment, etc. The only way to break through is to go within.

I can guide you to transform and provide you with lifelong tools to increase your light, longevity, happiness, joy, & freedom.

Conscious Parents Need Care

Workshop Overview

Week 1

Patterns – unconscious. Where it all began.

Week 2

Energy Tools – Healing at the root, replacing old programming with new higher frequency beliefs.

Week 3

Acknowledging what you’ve created – coping mechanisms.

Week 4

Children work – healing your parenting style. The relationship you’ve had with your mother and father.

Week 5

Understanding challenging behavior.

Week 6

Communication and Conscious Conversation – giving language and conscious attention to that which is implied via emotions, body gestures, and tones.

Week 7

Clearing the energy you have put on your children. Freeing them!

Week 8

You are the Divine Mother – Creation herself.

Free Course to Culminate: Supercharge your goals.

You will be given access to unlimited support from me, writings, tools, videos, and homework assignments to support you on your journey to being the Soul that said YES to bring the Soul of your child to this world. 

Bree Hope Conscious Parenting BG

I promise you that after these 8-9 weeks:

You will be a different parent, partner, friend, listener, and communicator.

     You will have trust and faith in yourself.

      You will have increased connection to Life, Love, Source.

     You will be free, know your true gifts, and step into your inner mastery to co-create a new reality!

    Book A

    Parenting Workshop

    Conscious Parent Happy Family

    Parenting Workshop FAQ’s

    If my child is the one that needs support, why do I need to sign up for the parenting workshop?

    Parents need to be involved in this work because everything comes back to connection and relationships. I can support your child to transform limiting beliefs, behaviors, thought forms and to facilitate healing but if I send them back into an environment where you continue to hold the same patterns and energy, the work will not be sustainable. Most child or teen coaches you see will support the teen and give parents tools to engage with the teen or child. What you don’t see is the parents shifting the deep-rooted energy they hold. Also, think of the famous quote from Ram Dass, “If you want to see if you are enlightened spend a week with your family.” The work must happen with the child and with you, separately as you may have unconscious behaviors or tendencies that make your child interact and relate with you a certain way, and the world around them.

    Why is the parenting workshop separate from the children’s workshop?

    The parenting workshop is separate from the children’s workshop, meaning I am not coaching your family unit, because for parents the work is pulling back layers to return wholeness and for children it is an understanding and re-membering of who they are. In addition, the work is different, and I need to provide a space for you both to have your individual needs met and hold the energy for each of you (parents and children) to heal

    Also, as parents it can be hard to fully see our children, especially if we have not seen ourselves. Sometimes all we see is ourselves when we look at them and from that space, we think we know what they want because we would want that. From a teacher’s perspective, I have seen children act and behave very different when the parents aren’t around. They become more mature at times, less shy, and open in different ways. This is what I am after, being a guide to see your child as the beautiful soul and intelligent being they are, giving them tools to navigate this world in the naturally high frequency they hold. And, separately guiding you to trust yourself and be the parent, partner, and human that sets your soul on fire and makes you feel FREE.

    How will this work help my child and family and if it is right for me?

    This work will 100% shift the paradigm of your family. I know because I have experienced it in my own life and with my own family. I will be honest that I am not going to tell you what you need, which specialist to see, what diet to put your kids on. What you will have after the 8 weeks is a complete shift in how you trust yourself and an end to your on-going search for outward change. Your child will also have a complete shift in how they feel about themselves and KNOW at a young age who they are and the power, love, strength, and beauty they hold (what most of us wish we had way back then).

    Feel into your body in this moment,  if you have a feeling of warmth around you in this moment, your body feels relaxed as if you are being held by angels, guides, you name it. Then this is for you. That’s where I can take you and your child, to that space of deep inner knowing, contentment, bliss, and trusting in the seen and unseen to go where they need. 

    Side note: Kids will tell you what they need, they are telling you all the time (grades, behavior, energy level, interactions with others). After this work, your child will be able to advocate for their needs so you are not the mind reader.

    How does social-emotional learning (SEL) impact academics?

    According to research and an amazing company I wrote an SEL book for, Social-emotional learning is broken down into 9 factors categorized by Context, Self-Efficacy, and Motivation.

    Context: How students feel about school, their attitude and relationship to teachers, and attitude or perception towards attendance (whether school is seen as a priority). Teachers are one of the biggest factors here as the relationship a student has with their teacher can make them feel safe and expansive to take risks. School environments and environments in general can also affect students sense of safety. For example, some schools can be inviting and have an inner warmth about it from the minute you enter the building whereas others can be cold, hold stagnant energy. 

    (I once worked in an environment that impacted an entire group of kids as it was cold, mold infested, and it felt like there were thousands of ghosts present. The kids felt uncomfortable and scared to go to the bathroom alone. To be honest I felt the same. I worked with a Shaman who shared that the energy was very intense, and she cleared the space, the next day the kids felt more at ease and commented on the difference). 

    Self-Efficacy: How well students feel about their learning abilities. Do they perceive themselves as being capable, confident prepared, organized? This is all about their self-esteem when it comes to school, being in the classroom, and learning. The most important factor in this category is their self-regard. If students perceive themselves to have a low learning capability (not good in one subject) and this is not addressed, the longer students feel that the energy becomes rooted as a belief where they will believe that no matter what they will never be good in this subject, making them give up and develop deeper feelings of unworthiness, sadness, fear. This has been correlated (long term exposure of low learning capability) with childhood depression. That along with the contextual factors and having teachers that don’t see their worth can cause suffering way into adulthood. 

    Motivational: This category is about their work ethic and how they respond to curriculum demands. Do they feel resilient and have grit or do they give up easily? Do they ask for help? Are they solution-oriented? Or, do they get frustrated easily? 

    Social-emotional learning is not just about breathing it is the inner world of what is going on with your child. It is about how they connect to themselves and the world around them. A low grade in one subject can stem from 1 or more of the 3 categories. The more you meet them on a social-emotional level and determine what their grades are showing you (which factor(s) it relates their entire world can change and improve – even if the school system still doesn’t work).